I wrote Cruise Organizer because I found it difficult to keep track of all the details around my cruises. While the cruise line web page or app will have many of the details, some such as flights and hotels will not be there.


  • Cruise information such as reservation, cruise line, start and end dates, cabin number and cost.
  • Events that are associated with this cruise such as excursions, flights, hotels, car rentals and many more
  • The next or current cruise is at the top of the list followed by any others in order of date. Past cruises are moved to the bottom of the list.
  • Tap on a cruise in the list of cruises to bring up the cruise detail page. This will display the cruise information at the top and all events that have been added to it.
  • Events do not have to be in the timeframe of the cruise. Items like flights and hotels may be before or after the cruise.
  • Notes may be added to each cruise or event.
  • If costs have been entered, the total will appear at the bottom of the cruise detail.
  • Loyalty Programs

On starting the app, press the plus button to add your first cruise. The main field you must have is the reservation number. This may not be changed once saved but you can copy the cruise using the “Copy” tab.

After you have a cruise in your list, tap on it to bring up the cruise detail. Tapping the cruise brings up a page that allows you to edit or delete the cruise.

Tapping the plus button adds an event. There are many event types to choose from. While all other fields are optional, you should at least enter a name and set the dates and times.

Backup and Restore

No information from this app is stored anywhere but your device. No information is collected.

Therefore, you should regularly backup the app’s database using the “Database Activities” function.

Use the “Export” button to create a backup in your Documents folder. It will have a name like “CR20230501121135.csv” where the date and time are appended to the letters “CR” and has an extension of “.csv”.

In case your device is lost or broken, you should occasionally copy this file to a cloud account such as Google or DropBox. Then on another device you can download the file to your Documents folder. Use the “Load from file” button and select that file. Your information is recovered.

Loyalty Programs

The Loyalty tab allows you to enter information about various cruise line loyalty programs. You can store your member number, attainment levels and web address of the cruise line. Use of this feature is not required to use other functions.

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